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Light vehicles and small plant

Flow capacity: 35 liters per hour

CG 07

One of our best-selling treatment systems, the modular CG07 is highly flexible, either as a completely integrated system within the engine bay or mounted in separate units connected using our AN fuel grade aluminium fittings and high quality hoses.


Unit 1: removes over 90% of free water and particulates.


Unit 2: is a custom designed micron 5 spin on filter. An integral vacuum gauge ensures filters are changed only when needed.


Unit 3: A PFM Blue unit uses magnets and ultraviolet light to destroy any remaining fuel bug detritus with up to 14% improvement in engine horsepower performance alongside lower emissions.

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Mid sized machinery and fixed plant

Flow capacity: 140 liters per hour

CG 14

Another modular system CG14, like the CG07 system can be fitted as one system or as three separate but integrated units connected using our AN fuel grade aluminium fittings and high quality hoses.


Unit 1: removes over 90% of free water and particulates.


Unit 2: is a custom designed micron 5 spin on filter. An integral vacuum gauge ensure filter are changed only when needed.


Unit 3: A PFM Blue unit uses magnets and ultraviolet light to destroy any remaining fuel bug detritus with up to 14% improvement in engine horsepower performance alongside lower emissions.

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Larger sized machinery and fixed plant

Flow capacity: 400 liters per hour

CG 40

As with models CG07 and CG14 (see product information) the CG 40 system can be fitted as one system or as three separate integrated units connected using our AN fuel grade aluminium fittings and high quality hoses.


Unit 1: removes over 90% of free water and particulates


Unit 2: is a custom designed micron 5 spin in filter. An integral vacuum gauge ensure filter are changed only when needed.


Unit 3: A PFM Blue unit uses magnets and ultraviolet light to destroy any remaining fuel bug detritus with up to 14% improvement in engine horsepower performance alongside lower emissions.


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CG 1500

CG1500 is one of our custom-built tank recirculation solutions specifically designed to handle larger flows from 1,000 liters per hour and above. CG1500 is also available in 1,500 and 2,000 liters per hour specifications.

The volume requirements are based on a minimum of eight cycles for each complete treatment to ensure the cleanest fuel possible. CG uses a three-stage process:


Stage 1: a custom designed separator with a clear collection bowl is used for pre-cleaning  and removes over 90% of water and particulates.


Stage 2: is a series of 10 and 5 micron sock filters all with an integral vacuum gauge. This ensures the user need only change filters when an accumulated blockage occurs, maximizing filter life, and eliminating the cost of prescribed filter changes.


Stage 3: A PFM Blue unit uses magnets and ultraviolet light to destroy any remaining fuel bug detritus with up to 14% improvement in engine horsepower performance alongside lower emissions. 


Our latest tests with an accredited laboratory show 97% reduction in particulate matter, 26% reduction in acid content and 11% reduction in water content after using this CG recirculation equipment. 

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 CG PFM 3000


CG PFM 3000

Flow capacity: 3,000 liters per hour.

Each unit is matched to a CGFC 2000 Fuel Conditioner and the option of an additional filter unit. Two PFM GPO 16B-SK fuel treatment modules and pump are included.

The CG PFM3000 uses a three-stage process:


Stage 1: a custom designed separator with a clear collection bowl is used for pre-cleaning  and removes over 90% of water and particulates.


Stage 2: is a series of sock filters all with an integral vacuum gauge. This ensures the user need only change filters when an accumulated blockage occurs, maximizing filter life and eliminating the cost of prescribed filter changes.


Stage 3: PFM Blue units use magnets and ultraviolet light to destroy any remaining fuel bug detritus with up to 14% improvement in engine horsepower performance alongside lower emissions.

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 CG PFM 12000


CG PFM 12000

Flow capacity: 12,000 liters per hour.

Each unit is matched to a CGFC 4000 Fuel Conditioner and the option of an additional filter unit. A PFM GPO 32B-BK fuel treatment module and pump is included.


Stage 1: a custom designed separator with a clear collection bowl is used for pre-cleaning  and removes over 90% of water and particulates.


Stage 2: is a series of sock filters all with an integral vacuum gauge. This ensures the user need only change filters when an accumulated blockage occurs, maximizing filter life and eliminating the cost of prescribed filter changes.


Stage 3: The PFM Blue unit uses magnets and ultraviolet light to destroy any remaining fuel bug detritus with up to 14% improvement in engine horsepower performance alongside lower emissions.


Our latest tests with an accredited laboratory show 97% reduction in particulate matter, 26% reduction in acid content and 11% reduction in water content after using this CG recirculation equipment. 

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